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來源:wf-guqiang.com 發(fā)布時間:2023-01-02 瀏覽次數(shù):122
目前看來,訂制食品包裝盒可以給企業(yè)帶來不少優(yōu)勢,簡單來說,環(huán)保的禮品盒需要減少包裝盒對生態(tài)的影響。包裝盒的 環(huán)保性還反映在其選材、設(shè)計、印刷、運輸以及包裝盒的后續(xù)問題上。
At present, customized food packaging boxes can bring many advantages to enterprises. In short, environment-friendly gift boxes need to reduce the ecological impact of packaging boxes. The environmental protection of the packaging box is also reflected in its material selection, design, printing, transportation and subsequent issues of the packaging box.
尾氣排放是空氣惡劣的始作俑者。定做禮品盒的時候也可以變相減少尾氣排放。選取當?shù)丶埾浒b廠,減少運輸車輛尾氣 排放,也可以縮短交貨周期。
Exhaust emission is the initiator of bad air. Customized gift boxes can also reduce exhaust emissions in a disguised way. Select local carton packaging plants to reduce the exhaust emissions of transport vehicles and shorten the delivery cycle.
在設(shè)計包裝紙箱時,我們需要合理控制紙箱包裝的尺寸,不但可以節(jié)省運輸成本和倉儲費用。包裝盒的大小也決定了材料 的使用,包裝盒采用的材料愈少,產(chǎn)生的消耗就越少。合適就行,不需要一昧的求大!
When designing the packing carton, we need to reasonably control the size of the carton packaging, which can not only save transportation costs and storage costs. The size of the packaging box also determines the use of materials. The less materials are used in the packaging box, the less consumption will be generated. It's OK if it's suitable, but it doesn't need to be big!
目前市面上的油墨印刷不少,其環(huán)保性會差一點。與普通油墨相比,植物油墨和UV油墨印刷更安全。通常植物墨是指大豆 油墨。它大的優(yōu)勢就是非常環(huán)保,可再生資源,無害,可回收利用。UV油墨可以用紫外光干燥固化,在使用中不會破壞環(huán)境。
At present, there are a lot of ink printing on the market, and its environmental protection will be poor. Compared with ordinary ink, vegetable ink and UV ink are safer for printing. Generally, vegetable ink refers to soybean ink. Its big advantage is that it is very environmentally friendly, renewable, harmless and recyclable. UV ink can be dried and cured by ultraviolet light, and will not damage the environment in use.
Material Science
Paper is recognized as an environmentally friendly packaging material, but the environmental protection of different papers is different. For example, wood pulp paper or FSC certified paper is more environmentally friendly than ordinary paper. Or using plants with short growth cycles, such as bagasse and straw, will be more environmentally friendly than paper produced by coniferous and broad-leaved plants with long production cycles.
禮品盒較常用的紙質(zhì)材料,采用后可回收利用用于生產(chǎn)制造紙張或其他紙制品。為了讓包裝盒更加環(huán)保,包裝盒內(nèi)的不少 輔件也可以采用易降解的材料制做,例如:棉帶、可降解薄膜等。
Paper materials commonly used in gift boxes can be recycled to produce paper or other paper products. In order to make the packaging box more environmentally friendly, many accessories in the packaging box can also be made of biodegradable materials, such as cotton tape, degradable film, etc.
禮品盒的環(huán)保性反映在其包裝盒的選材、設(shè)計、印刷、運輸及后續(xù)解決等方面。通過這些細節(jié),您了解了嗎?更多事項就 來我們網(wǎng)站http://wf-guqiang.com咨詢吧!
The environmental protection of gift boxes is reflected in the material selection, design, printing, transportation and subsequent solutions of their packaging boxes. Do you understand these details? Come to our website for more information http://wf-guqiang.com Consult!